Balarama Avatar – Respecting Food

Balarama Avatar is said to be the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu! There are difference of opinions on this 8th Avatar in the Dasavatara list! Few believe it’s Buddha. Poet Jayadeva has considered Buddha to be the 9th Avatara of Lord Vishnu. He mentions the same in his first Ashtapathi in Gita Govindha. If Buddha enters the list, then there is a change in the order. Krishna becomes 8th Avatar and 9th becomes Buddha.

I have little or no knowledge on Buddha or Buddhism. It’s just what I had read in history books on Buddhism and few aspects from King Ashoka’s history. And selecting which avatara to write either Balarama or Buddha was a difficult decision to make and ended up writing on Balarama Avatar. Balarama Avatar was equally tough to collect information on him, as he has been playing a strong supportive role leaving Krishna to take the driver seat! Sometimes, infact against Krishna he had taken decisions which Krishna then altered for good and all those are absolutely ineffable!

Coming to Balarama Avatar, Lord Vishnu decided to descended on Earth to restore Dharma for another time! This time it was not for some single reason unlike Rama Avatar. Lord Krishna has to do many things through out his journey and he needed a strong support like Lakshman in Rama Avatar. This time it was an elder brother Balarama. He is also called Sankarshan because he was moved from one womb to another. With divine intervention he was moved from Devaki’s womb to Rohini’s womb.

He was then born in Ayarpadi. Lord Krishna joined him after his epic birth and an adventurous journey just after his birth! The boys grew together killing demons, stealing butter and safe guarding people. Balarama, originally Rama known for his muscular strength and he is then called Balarama, Balabadhra. He is always identified with his plough. He also had a mace and taught many people like Beema, Duriyodhana, Baka Sura, Keechagan.

As they grew up Krishna became more busier in solving Padavas’ problems, Safe guarding Dwaraka from the attacks of Jarasandha. Balarama didn’t understand most of Krishna’s decisions. He thought he was biased and as Krishna became more ineffable he started to withdraw himself especially during Kurukshetra war!

Of all stories of Balarama this is spoken more! He is still worshiped as God of Farmers. When Farmers want more yield, want healthy crops, no insects issues, success in their new farming techniques farmers worship Balarama before they start off any work! He had drawn the river Yamuna closer to Vrindhavan using his plough. Another time Kauravas had taken siege of Krishna’s son Sambha. Even after polite requests, Kauravas did not budge. Balarama with his mighty plough is said to have pulled the entire city of Hastinapur near River Yamuna and threatened to drown the city in the River. Eventually Kauravas surrendered.

He is still celebrated for his plough! There are few unsung stories on his skills to dig tributaries using plough and help farming in Mathura and Virndhavan.

What’s so special in these abilities when in comes to contemporary aspect?? With growing urbanization, people tend to over look the importance of agriculture. Sometimes unknowingly and sometimes knowingly. In the name of development we want more luxury than what is required for a good living! Many corporates are concentrating more on other wealth, minerals under this abundant Earth failing to see the importance of agriculture. Somehow there is a gap between money and food. People are behind more money. Yes we need money to live on this Earth! But money doesn’t equate food. Money, changes on plate cannot be eaten. We need to know the importance of food and the process. The ultimate goal of earning, having more money is to have food on plate till the last day on this earth.

The plough in Balarama’s hands here is a symbol, showing ‘How Powerful Farming Is’. Realising its difficulty and strength makes us more Powerful! It’s time to see food beyond what we see in the shelves of super market. As people realise the process through which food comes it will be respected more and wastage will be less. Just like how Balarama’s powerful plough pulled an entire city, let it pull people to a better mind set making them realize that sowing money wouldn’t reap food crops directly, throwing money all time cannot bring food on table! Let food be seen beyond the lens of money.

On this Durga Ashtami let’s take a decision to respect food and farmers more and stop wasting food!

Happy Navarathri!



  • Balarama Avatara by Radhika Ulluru –
  • Krishna Balarama by Alexandra Bilibiji – FineartAmerica
  • Balarama Avatara by Kardami Kapila Das – Mural – Pinterest
  • Balarama Avatara – Pattachithra painting – Ganges India
  • Balarama Avatara – Artist Keshav – Krishna For Today
  • Balarama Avatara – Radhika Binachi –

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