Pain Management

This is the most heard term in the recent past. Especially if you are an IT employee it is something as famous as client calls but easily ignored until unless there is a sharp pain in neck, unable to turn with the usual ‘Takku’ when a colleague calls; when not able to bend swiftly and swipe the ID card to get in to the Bay. There is also another important aspect left out most of the times. It is the emotional pain.

This body reveals its concerns through pain and most people tend to disregard the signals of the body. As the body cries for rest, it signals through pain. Emotionally, can feel frustrated, irritated, angry all the time. Listening to body and mind signals can help in scheduling time for rest. Many of us are happily okay to over work and spend the hard earned money in hospitals when pain kicks in, rather spending right amount of time at work and dedicating time and money for work out in any forms. When it comes to emotional pain, people just numb themselves and no amount of money goes in for mental health care, still considering it as a taboo.

There is also another category of people who work out as fast as road runner. The beauty in work out is enjoying the exercise in the right pace. Say, doing shoulder rolls in a nominal pace, feeling the surge of blood through the blood vessels. In Tamil, there is this beautiful term ‘Nalla Viru Viru nu irukum’. There is this ‘No pain’ moment after a nominally paced work out. It is just the feel of free flow of adequate fluids through the blood vessels. And a bend or stretch in any side, gradually feeling the increase in flexibility of the body day by day and there is an innate sense of pleasure in itself.

The physical therapy has a greater impact on emotional health. This has a great control on coping mechanisms during an onslaught of overwhelming emotions. It is absolutely normal to feel overwhelming emotions in life but the way it is handled varies with person.

Yoga, Meditation, Music, Art forms has proven therapeutic impact on emotional and physical wellness of a being. While the release of endorphins after physical work out gives a sense of satisfaction; Indulging in Meditation, Music, Art forms helps in secretion of happiness hormone – oxytocin, keeping oneself in a good state of mind.

This day, despite being the longest (tend to vary between June 20th – June 22nd) has a beautiful coincidence with the emotional and physical well being. Physically coincides with International Yoga day and Emotionally, World Music Day.

Many of us speak about joining Gym, spending time in our favorite hobby; month after month, year after year. The real thing is to get it started some day. To start something good, every day is good day and all depends on taking the required action.

So today, can do the stretch that the body is signalling. Can take a stroll in the park, enjoying the lovely climate of Chennai after a longer time, accompanied by the favorite music. Can smile for no reason and Sing out loud the favorite lyrics no matter how bad the voice is. Can follow the burning passion at least for half an hour in the whole of 24 hours.

Because We Live once and pain sometimes is inevitable. We deserve to live our life to the fullest by processing the pain effectively.

Happy International Yoga Day.
Happy World Music Day.


*Images from Stock Vector.

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